Wednesday, May 4, 2011

unpacking means play time

I'm currently in the process of moving back home to NC. I packed up all of my stuff, and I've moved half of it home. I will be going back to Baltimore later this week to get the rest of my stuff.

my car all packed up.

I'm trying to get all of the stuff I've brought home unpacked. I'm not very good at it. I feel like I just go through my stuff and then just play with everything. When I unpacked my clothes, I played dress-up. When I unpacked my flat iron, I did my hair. When I unpacked my nail polish, I painted my toe nails. You get the point...

did this with my flat iron
I've also noticed, that there's not as much room to put all my stuff as I had in Baltimore. I think it's because my mom has been using the spare rooms for her storage. It's hard trying to find places for my stuff, and I'm only working with half of it right now!

Well, living at mom's is only temporary for now. I hope to find another job and place to live before I start grad school in the fall.

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