Thursday, January 20, 2011

on edge

The senior athletic training staff really make me hate my job. I don't know how much longer I can stand it. I'm so on edge at work every day, it's ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I love the athletes I work with and the coaches too and I like what I do...I just can't stand the senior staff.

I go into work knowing that at some point during the day, one of the senior staff is going to tell me how to do my job or tell me that I'm not doing my job right. I don't know how much longer I can take it.

I want you to know how ridiculous the senior staff are where I work, so here is something that has happened recently. In almost every state, to practice athletic training certification and licensure is required. In Maryland, required certification will take effect in the fall of 2011. I'm scheduled to take the National Athletic Trainer's Association Board of Certification exam in Feb. As soon as I found out which day I was going to take the exam, I told the senior staff (which was like a month in advance). I received an email saying, "Fortunately there is not much going on that day. I would suggest for the future that you discuss items such as this before registering as it is possible you would have to work and therefore lose the money you paid to take the exam." Because I am practicing athletic training right now and I'm not currently certified, the senior staff should have a priority of me passing.  

I seriously don't know how much longer I can take it. The stress of being on edge all the time at work is frustrating, exhausting, and just aweful. The only relief I get is through my running when I get to run it all off.

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