Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the little things

It's amazing how simple, little things can really make your day. It could be a phone call, a gesture, or even a comment.  Yesterday, 2 people absolutely made my day. It wasn't anything special or all that exciting, but to me it was....I received letters from 2 friends of mine.

I was so excited to get real mail that wasn't a bill or a magazine. The letters they sent made me feel so happy and so special. They were heart-warming, encouraging, and even funny. I talked about the letters to my roommates, my coworkers, and even to some of my athletes. The letters were just what I needed. We all need a little pick-me-up every now-and-then when we're feeling down, and the letters definitely accomplished that. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends.

Whether it be a letter, a comment on my facebook wall, or even helping me fold my laundry (please...anyone?). It's always the little things that warm my heart the most.

I want to challenge you this week to do something for someone else that you think would really make their day. Here are some ideas... a little note/letter/card, a helping hand (maybe the dishes?), a phone call to someone you haven't talked to in a while (maybe your Grandma?), pretty much anything that is unexpected. So get to it, be creative, and I would love to hear about what you did!!


  1. <3 it is the little thing like knowing that you have amazing friends who love you and are always there... thank you for being a true friend!
