It's snowing and it's totally crazy right now. The snow is coming down like nobody's business. The wind is blowing. It seriously looks like a blizzard outside. My roommate, Steph, and I went to the airport this afternoon to pick our other roommate, Megan, up from the airport. The roads weren't too bad when we left, but they were HORRIBLE on the way back. We saw people getting stuck and pushing their cars. We saw two buses that were stuck, taking up the whole road, almost blocking all of traffic. It was a mad house.
the bus in the middle of the road |
When we got back to the house, I decided I'd clean off my car a little bit and stick my windshield wipers up. My car was completely covered in snow to where I had to clear the door off to find the handle to get my scraper! Oh, I forgot to mention that it was also thundering and lightning while it was snowing!
my car completely covered |
We seriously have about a foot of snow right now, and the snow is still coming down. Steph and I decided to have a little bit of fun in it! We built a snowman, made snow angels, rolled down a hill, had a snowball fight, and even went out in our bathing suits!! It was so much fun!!
steph with the snowman we made |
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steph doing a cartwheel on our deck |
rockin' the bathing suit |
What kind of fun do you have in the snow?
I like to do hoodrat things with my friends in the snow.