Monday, January 24, 2011

Bleeding Love

So last week was pretty normal. I went to work, ran, went grocery know all the normal stuff. There were a few highlights of the week though that make it a little more than just normal...

I normally work from 10am - 7pm every day. Most days I stay after work to run on the treadmill, since I don't have my own, I don't have a gym membership anywhere, and I don't like running in the cold. Well, one day last week, after I was done running on the treadmill, I got on the floor to do some ab stuff. While I was on the floor, I spotted a DEAD MOUSE!!! I was so grossed out.

ew ew ew ew
On Saturday night, my roommate and I went to see the movie "No Strings Attached" with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. First, the movie theater was ridiculous. The movie is rated R, and 3 different people checked my ID. I got carded for a rated R movie and I'm 22 yrs old!! Anyway, the movie was absolutely HILARIOUS! I was laughing throughout the entire movie. Warning: if you do not like blunt, crude humor, you probably won't like this movie. You have to go see the movie for yourself, but I will tell you that I will never look at the song "Bleeding Love" the same way ever again. lol.

On Sunday, I bundled up and faced the cold for my long run this week. I did 9.5 miles at an overall 7:32/mile pace. (I always count my week of running from Monday - Sunday just fyi). I always check the temperature before leaving for my run so that I know how bundled up I need to get. Even though the temperature was 26 degrees, it felt like 15! I always dress for the "feels like" temperature, otherewise that wind will get ya. I have never been one to run outside when it's cold, and I've never ran in temperatures as low as these. It's tough finding the motivation to get out in the cold by myself, so getting out there really makes me feel pretty accomplished.

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